Batuan Temple, also known as Pura Puseh Batuan, is a traditional Hindu temple located in the village of Batuan, Gianyar Regency, Bali, Indonesia. It is one of the oldest and most important temples on the island and holds great cultural and historical significance.

Batuan Temple dates back to the 10th century and is dedicated to the worship of Hindu trinity deities—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The temple follows the Balinese architectural style, which showcases intricate stone carvings and ornate decorations. It is built in the form of a mandala, representing the universe in Hindu cosmology.

The temple complex is divided into three courtyards, each with its own distinct purpose. The outer courtyard is known as Jaba Pura and serves as the entrance area. It contains various structures like the candi bentar (split gateway), guardian statues, and pavilions. The middle courtyard, Jaba Tengah, is where visitors can find several shrines dedicated to different Hindu gods and goddesses. The innermost courtyard, Jeroan, is considered the most sacred part of the temple and is reserved for prayer and religious rituals.

Inside the temple, you can admire the stunning architectural details, including stone carvings depicting mythological figures, ornate gateways, and beautifully decorated altars. The temple's walls also feature frescoes that illustrate scenes from Hindu epics like the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Batuan Temple is not only a religious site but also a cultural center where various traditional rituals and ceremonies take place. It plays a crucial role in preserving Balinese traditions and serves as a focal point for the local community.

Visitors to Batuan Temple can explore its serene surroundings and gain insight into Balinese Hinduism and its rich cultural heritage. It is advisable to dress respectfully, with shoulders and knees covered, and to follow the temple etiquette when visiting.

Overall, Batuan Temple is a significant and beautiful destination that offers a glimpse into Bali's religious and artistic traditions, making it a popular spot for tourists and locals alike.


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url:


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: